Genera Properties and Features of Copper
(µ¿ÀÇ ÀϹÝÀûÀÎ ¼ºÁú) 

* Physical Properties of Copper.

Property Value Units Value Units
Atomic number 29 ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
Atomic weight 63.54 ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
Lattice structure    face centered cubic(fcc)
IEC standrad value(1913) 8.89 g/cm3 0.321 lb/in3
Typical value at 20°C 8.92 g/cm3 0.322 lb/in3
at 1083°C (solid) 8.32 g/cm3 0.3 lb/in3
at 1083 (liquid) 7.99 g/cm3 0.288 lb/in3
Melting point 1083 °C 1981 °F
Boiling point 2595 °C 4703 °F
Linear cofficient of thermal expansion at:
-253°C, -423°F 0.3 x 10-6 /°C 0.17 x 10-6 /°F
-183°C, -297°F 9.5 x 10-6 /°C 5.28 x 10-6 /°F
-191°C to 16°C,-312-61°F 14.1 x 10-6 /°C 7.83 x 10 /°F
25°C to 100°C,77-212 °F 16.8 x 10-6 /°C 9.33 x 10-6 /°F
20°C to 200°C,68-392 °F 17.3 x 10-6 /°C 9.61 x 10-6 /°F
20°C to 300°C,68-572 °F 17.7 x 10-6 /°C 9.83 x 10-6 /°F
Specific heat (thermal capacity) at:
-253°C,  -425°F 0.013 J/g°C 0.0031 Btu/lb°F
-150°C,   -238°F 0.282 J/g°C 0.0674 Btu/lb°F
-50°C, -58°F 0.361 J/g°C 0.0862 Btu/lb°F
20°C, 68°F 0.386 J/g°C 0.0921 Btu/lb°F
100°C, 212°F 0.393 J/g°C 0.0939 Btu/lb°F
200°C, 392°F 0.403 J/g°C 0.0963 Btu/lb°F
Thermal conductivity at: ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
-253°C,  -425 °F 12.98 W-cm/cm2·°C 750 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
-200°C, -328 °F 5.74 W-cm/cm2·°C 330 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
-183°C, -297 °F 4.73 W-cm/cm2·°C 270 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
-100°C, -148 °F 4.35 W-cm/cm2·°C 252 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
20°C, 68 °F 3.94 W-cm/cm2·°C 227 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
100°C, 212 °F 3.85 W-cm/cm2·°C 223 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
200°C, 392 °F 3.81 W-cm/cm2·°C 220 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
300°C, 572 °F 3.77 W-cm/cm2·°C 217 Btu/ft/ft2h°F
Electrical conductivity (volume) at:
20°C, 68 °F,  (annealed) 58.0-58.9 MS/m (m/¥Ømm2) 100.0-101.5 % IACS
20°C, 68 °F,  (fully cold worked) 56.3 MS/m (m/¥Ø·mm2) 97 % IACS
Electrical resistivity (volume) at:
20°C, 68 °F,  (annealed) 0.017241-0.0170 ¥Ø·mm2/m 10.371-10.2 ¥Ø(circmil/ft)
20°C, 68 °F,  (annealed) 1.7241-1.70 µ¥Ø·cm 0.6788-0.669 micr¥Ø-in
20°C, 68 °F,  (fully cold worked) 0.0178 ¥Ø·mm2/m 10.7 ¥Ø(circmil/ft)
20°C, 68 °F,  (fully cold worked) 1.78 µ¥Ø·cm 0.7 µ¥Ø-in
Electrical resistivity (mass) at 20°C, 68 °F,  (annealed)
Mandatory maximum 0.15328 ¥Ø·g/m2 875.4 ¥Ø·lb/mile2
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance (a) at 20°C °F: Annealed copper of 100% IACS (applicable from -100°C to 200°C,212°F to 392°F) 0.00393 /°C 0.00218 /°F
Fully cold worked copper of 97%IACS (applicable from 0°C to 100°C, 68-212 °F) 0.00381 /°C 0.00238 /°F
Modulus of elasticity (tension) at 20°C:, 68 °F
Annealed 118,000 MPa 17 x 103 KSi
Cold worked 118,000-132,000 MPa 17-19 x 103 KSi
Modulus of rigidity (torsion) at 20°C, 68 °F
Annealed 44,000 Mpa 6.4 x 103 KSi
Cold worked 44,000-49,000 MPa 6.4-7 x 103 KSi
Latent heat of fusion 205 J/g ¡¡ ¡¡
Electro chemical equivalent for: ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
Cu++ 0.329 Mg/C ¡¡ ¡¡
Cu+ 0.659 Mg/C ¡¡ ¡¡
Normal electrode potential (hydrogen electrode) for:
Cu++ -0.344 V ¡¡ ¡¡
Cu+ -0.47 V ¡¡ ¡¡


* Physical and Mechanical Properties of Electrical Grades of Copper and Aluminum (Type 1350) Compared.
Property Units Copper Aluminum (1350)
(High Conductivity)
Electrical conductivity
%IACS 101 61
Electrical resistivity
µ¥Ø-cm 1.72 2.83
Thermal conductivity
at 20°C
W/m·K 397 230
Coefficient of
/°C 17 x 10-6 23 x 10-6
/°F 9.4 x 10-6 12.8 x 10-6
Tensile strength
KSi 29.0-36.2 7.2-8.7
MPa 200-250 50-60
Tensile strength
KSi 37.7-43.5 12.3-14.5
MPa 260-300 85-100
0.2% yield strength
KSi 72.5-79.8 2.9-4.3
MPa 50-55 20-30
0.2% yield strength
KSi 24.6-29.0 8.7-9.4
MPa 170-200 60-65
Elastic modulus KSi 16.8-18.8 10.1
MPa 116-130 70
Fatigue Strength
KSi 9 5.07
MPa 62 35
Fatigue Strength
(half hard)
KSi 16.9 7.25
MPa 117 50
Specific heat Btu/lb0F 0.092 0.215
J/kg·K 385 900
Density g/cm3 8.91 2.7
lb/in3 0.322 0.0975
Melting Point °C 1083 660
°F 1981 1220


* Crystallographic Features of Copper
Type of Structure A1
Space Group Oh5 - Fm3m
Crystal Structure face-centered cubic
Number of Atoms per Unit Cell 4
Lattice Parameters at 293 K 3.6147 x 10-10 m
Distance of Closest Atomic Approach 2.556 x 10-10m
(Burgers vector) at 293
Goldschmidt Atomic Radii 1.28 x 10-10m
(12-fold coordination)
Atomic Volume 1.182 10-29m3

1. Properties of Copper and Copper Alloys at Cryogenic
   Temperatures, N.J. Simon, E.S. Drexler, and R.P. Reed
2. CDA(Copper Development Association)